The Startups Community is an ecosystem with more than 10k members, business owners, financiers, and partners from all over the world to support and develop emerging and expanding startups. You can convert your Business Startup dream into reality and gain more ideas and business strategies to connect here with co-founders, company team members, mentors, and advisers. Everything will be possible like incubator facilities, co-working places, agencies for venture capital, crowdfunding, high net worth individuals, and other startup necessities possible for members of our community.Every Entrepreneur is a soldier of the economy, we must be proud of it. The purpose of this community is to share the experiences, challenges, and case studies, related to entrepreneurs life so that we can overcome the challenges with collective efforts. Lets have a business talk. We all can build a good community to help each other. But make sure your conversation should be relevant to the purpose.Regardless of your geography or socioeconomic background, we work to support founders, business owners, and startups in their success. We think that by encouraging todays risk-takers and innovators, a brighter tomorrow is conceivable.Curated ChallengesOur community is dedicated to creating successful companies by curating challenges from its business associates, financial institutions, or perhaps even influential citizens.Investor AlignmentThe financial weapon of such a startup community is the last and most difficult element of the startup growth curve. The objectives and desires of the investor frequently do not smoothly transition into the development and design phases.Marketing SupportThe Startup Community focused on increasing the success rate of startups. This will give the company more opportunities to succeed when they join the market and expand its Organization.Advisor NetworkStartup communities must also be able to offer a sizable network of skilled mentors and advisers in the curated fields who can fill the information gap of the emerging business.Why StartsApp ?We working with many startups team to build them tech-enabled, but the truth is very sad behind this experience. We found that most of the teams are wasting their time exploring possibilities on multiple social platforms, but still, they are not well engaged with the right people.We found that many school students are capable to run startups but they are lacking a network of the right people.Our Social media platform will enable a user for the below features - Can explore, connect, get suggestions, can earn by writing blogs, request initial funding, can get engaged in Startups centric conversations only.Who we are?We created a Social Media Platform where a student can explore, connect, get suggestions, can earn by writing blogs, request initial funding, can sale their services and products, can do B2B, and many more activities like Facebook, but these activities will be only Startups related.